

After selling our house and most belongings we began living on a sailboat and van.  The Pacific Northwest's Salish Sea became our home on water.  Forests, montains and other natural areas became our home on land.

The Water and Land Series are a collection of photographs from this nomadic lifestyle.


Water has always called to me.  Whether early morning coffee on the dock at the cabin in northern Minnesota or sailing on inland lakes and saltwater seas, or just walking along the beaches .  There is both a permanence yet ever changing quality to water.  

Living on a sailboat in the Pacific Northwest's Salish Sea has allowed us to experience incredible natural beauty and wildlife.   The images provide a view into some of the places we've called home while living on Escape Artist in the Salish Sea.


I am always amazed by the change in landscapes when traveling.  When on a road trip you can go from flat prairies to mountains in a matter of hours.  Just hours to go from desert to pine forests with all of the intermediate landscapes in between.  In my native Minnesota traveling the length of the state will take you through prairie, river bluffs, deciduous woodlands, pine forests, the wilderness of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area and the North Shore of Lake Superior.

Living on the van has put us in an intimate contact with nature as we often stay in national and state parks, forests and other natural areas.  The photographs provide a glimpse into the places we've called home on land.

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